Wednesday 21 March 2012

Audiance Reaserch & Audiance Feedback

The audiance reaserch was desighned to give me a understanding of what audiance I was aiming for and what gratifacation I would give them, i desighened it to be easy and quick to understand for people. I kept the questions relevant and clear, this helped me to easily tally the figures as I only really gave a yes or no answer. The reaserch helped me with the meise en scene to give the music video character sutied to my audiance.

The audiance feedback allowed me to see how I had performed in the end, the majority of comments were good. However some people got confused what the old man was doing and what his role was to play in the music video. After explanation they understood however, one reviewing it myself I understand I have put a bit to much enigma in the music video.

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