Friday 23 March 2012

Re-shoots and problems.

When we first went filming the original video camera we were going to use was a 6 mega-pixle but my partner said she had an 14 mega pixel camera that could video, so logically I thought that it would perform better so we went to the top of Werneth Low which was the original plan and filmed at about 5 o'clock in November so it was getting pretty dark by now so we started filming and it was very cold. So we were getting cold and we started filming and it was going very well. However what we didn't realise was that at about 6 the top of Werneth low became a 'Rat Run' for people going to both Marple and Romiley, therefore every time we shot a scene you kept having headlights and cars driving past ruining the effect we were trying to give.

To add to our problems every time we tried to light a match or candle the flame kept going out due the light breeze that was blowing through.
However this was not the end of our problems.
When we went to the apple Mac suits to edit what we had filmed it turned out that the camera we had used was extremely grainy in the dark. Due tot his we had to scrap those 4 hour's we spent filming and then used the original video camera we were going to use.

Lyrics Analysis

The Lyrics in the song use no taboo, and are easy to understand and it is also rather catchy and easy to mime. I already know the song off by heart due to the fact of how much I listen to it. The lyrics themselves offer audiences a bit of a love story but also a disequilibrium in the relationship. The song it self starts at low tempo and gets quicker and a bit more heavier than in the beginning.
As the story evolves the lyrics mostly match the actions. They lyrics reflect many people lives and can be used in many different situations. This I feel helps to give audience gratification as it is relateable.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

The Freshmen - Lyrics

Ancillary Review

I created this to allow previous conventional Anillary's be viewd all at once to see if they could help me. I used a couple of Idea's from the album art work found on the interent. From these I strated to construct my idea on photoshop, the various different idea's worked better than other and this allowed me to create  conventional Ancillary's/

Ancillary Reaserch

Audiance Reaserch & Audiance Feedback

The audiance reaserch was desighned to give me a understanding of what audiance I was aiming for and what gratifacation I would give them, i desighened it to be easy and quick to understand for people. I kept the questions relevant and clear, this helped me to easily tally the figures as I only really gave a yes or no answer. The reaserch helped me with the meise en scene to give the music video character sutied to my audiance.

The audiance feedback allowed me to see how I had performed in the end, the majority of comments were good. However some people got confused what the old man was doing and what his role was to play in the music video. After explanation they understood however, one reviewing it myself I understand I have put a bit to much enigma in the music video.

Audiance Feedback

Audiance Reaserch

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Costumes / Props powerpoint

Ancillary Draft's Review

I created this to give myself an idea of what the final outcome would look like, it also gave the camera takes an idea of what I was aiming for so there was not much confusion about what I was doing, the basic principle of it almost shows the skeleton of the ancillary's.

Ancillarys draft

Shooting schedule and Shot list

The shooting schedule helped me and my partner keep track of what we were up to and how we should organise ourselves. It also ensured that we could fully select that day to do the shooting without conflicting diary entries; this ensured we were both together when the day came to shooting. The shot list allowed us to use a variety of different shots and not missing very basic one's due to lack of remembrance, therefore we wrote the different shots down and referred to them when necessary. Together they allowed me and my partner to stay fully organised and up to date with all that was happening.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Synopsis of Original Idea

Actor - James Farrow
Actress - Dannie McGlynn
Location – Werneth Low/ Brabyns Park

 Low Pan across table past candles. tilt up to old man. looks sad and depressed. Starts singing slowly. Different shots through camera and candle flames. Zoom into eye (46 seconds)
Zoom out from eye (old man, young) (Prop: acoustic guitar) camera at angle from singer  with woman in background sitting on a bench, focus shot past man to woman touching her face, gazing at man.
Man turns and smiles BCU of man. and at LS they walk towards each other. (+scene) Gives the necklace to the girl. CU around her neck. Fade to old man singing. then fades back to him young when line comes “we were merely Freshman” (1:18)
Young man again walking down the road holding hand with girl friend. Guy holding JD bottle hood up sat on a wall, then it goes black and white to singer’s friend and his GF arguing and him drinking and her taking tablets. She slaps singers friend and walks off. Man falls on to knees and keels over crying.

Camera pans down to JD bottle on floor open spilling. (1.49) Man looks up “can’t be held responsible…” Girl wipes tears from her eyes ‘she was touching her face’ … MS on her face
(2.07) ‘Guitar in corner’ young man stood on rock singing. Camera flicks between CU,LSBCU (2.25) flicks back to old man singing “yeahhh” walking, fades back to young man and girl (2.49) they kiss and smile at each other (camera in symmetrical two shot) both people smile at each other
turn 180 degrees and their facial expression saddens as they walk away from each other. (+scene) Girl throws necklace to young mans feet. PAN, ZOOM, ECU of necklace at his feet Camera in front of man slightly to the left of his face and shoulder. In the distance you can see his girl friend walking off. Jumps to girl walking from man with a tear in her eye “can’t be held responsible” jumps back to man “she was touching her face” back to girl “No I wont be held responsible” back to man “she fell in Love in the first place” (3.25)
Fade edit to old man singing “for the life of me….” Then he is angry and swipes the candles to the floor. Doing  hand gestures. “For the life of me…” Then slams fist down on top of lit candle.

Faded vision of woman and young man together holding hands (possibly kissing)… as singing calms down between each line, it is sang between the the old man, the young man, and the girl. Song fades out to old man walking away with candle flame in fore ground.

Old man throws flower near a rock and walks into the distance, young woman walks out from behind a tree and walked off with him (ghosts) Zoom out from MS- ELS as they walk away

+ Scenes

-         Old man throws flower near a rock and walks into the distance, young woman walks out from behind a tree and walked off with him (ghosts) Zoom out from MS- ELS as they walk away

-         Early in the video, young man gives young woman a necklace (prop), zoom in on it to CU around her neck. Later on in the video, the young man and woman are fighting (MS, RAE) when she throws the necklace at his feet (Pan, zoom, ECU) and walks away. (LS)

Old Man - Black Suit, red tie
Young Man – Jeans and t-shirt with Jacket
Woman – Nice dress with nice shoes/ white dress for the end
Young mans friend- Black hoodie, jeans
Young mans friend GF - Nice dress with nice shoes

Candles (Fancy and Tea candles)
Jack Daniels Bottle

Old man – Normal colour
Young M/W – Sepia colour
YM friend/ GF- Black and white 

Friday 9 March 2012

Analysis The Verve Pipe - The Freshmen

For my second influence is used a band called The Verve Pipe and the song, The Freshmen is a personal favourite song of mine and I had my mind set on it from the beginning, I showed it to my partner and she also liked it and started listening to it. The video it’s self however is pretty boring and there are too many enigmas therefore I tried to keep some of the enigma and some of its Meis en scene however I changed the narrative to make it more original. The edits used I also used in my music video’s as well. They also used certain filters and I also adopted this approach.

The Verve Pipe - The Freshmen

Analysis of Goo Goo Dolls - Better Days

First of all to understand any sort of creation I has too look at previous songs that matched my ideals and what I was searching for, then I found Goo Goo Dolls - Better Days. This music video is what I like to class as light rock. It uses conventional ideologies and the visuals fit in with the mood portrayed by the song. It starts off slowly and gets quicker and louder keeping a steady rhythm. The 4th wall convention is met and it has a good selection of metaphors and camera shots. For these reasons I used this as one of my ideas.

The Goo Goo Dolls - Better Days